
File a new DBA
Renew a DBA
Quick processing
Low rates












140 S. Beverly Dr. #201
Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Phone: (310) 887-0788
Fax: (310) 887-0789

140 S. Beverly Dr #201, Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Phone: (310) 887-0788 - Fax: (310) 887-0789


Renew or File a new DBA quickly and conveniently!

Your one-stop for the lowest prices in filing or renewing your DBA.

We can normally process your order in under 24 hours.

Ask about our Saturday and Sunday filing service! RUSH filing now available!

Make checks payable to "Beverly Hills Weekly"


Step 1: Check to see if your proposed fictitious business name is available:

Step 2: E-mail us for a quote:

For Los Angeles County filings, click here

Step 3: Forms (PDF Format)

Los Angeles County DBA Form

Los Angeles County Abandonment Form

Los Angeles County Change of Partners Form

For other California Counties, click here


Orange County DBA Form

Ventura County DBA Form

San Francisco County DBA Form

San Diego County DBA Form

Special Instructions: For corporations, limited liability companies, and limited partnerships:

"If you check corporation, LLC, or LP in box #5 on the DBA form, please include a copy of your articles of incorporation, stamped by the Secretary of State's office.  The County Clerk will not process your dba form without a copy of your articles of incorporation."

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Useful Links:

Beverly Hills Weekly

Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk



140 S. Beverly Dr #201, Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Phone: (310) 887-0788
Fax: (310) 887-0789